Tuesday, May 16

spices for love

Another addition to my collection of love food. Plan to test some of these this weekend. Hope you try some od the spices. Got the info from www.virilplant.com/aphrodisiacs-spices.htm


Cayenne pepper
Contains a high amount of vitamin C. It is an exciting agent that stimulates the circulation. Little red and green Mexican chilies have the same properties.

Contains vitamins A, C, B, P, minerals and trace elements. It is excellent for the muscles and liquefies the blood; it also reduces the cholesterol levels and helps arteries fight aging. The Romans have dedicated the celery to their god Pluto, god of sex and hell.

One of the most powerful natural aphrodisiacs. It is also effective against mental and physical fatigue as well as memory loss.

Its dried seed has an euphoric effect, especially for women. It's used to soak it in wine, however is recommended do not make abusive use of the substance in order to avoid opposite effects.

It has been used in drinks destined to excite the senses. Taken in reasonable doses, it causes healthy hot flushes. In excessive doses, it irritates the intestines.

Its pulp has aphrodisiac properties.

Its deliciously scented flowers are cultivated all around the world, but the Spanish jasmine is the one of the mainly used to perfume liqueurs. Be careful, because jasmine seeds are poisonous.

Stimulates the action of sexual glands. There are three kinds of mustard: black, white and yellow, from India. White mustard had a tremendous success in the Middle Ages.

Is a brown substance extracted from a gland under the abdomen skin of small deer that live in South-Eastern Asia. In spite of its unappetizing origin, it is a panacea and it was used to treat epilepsy, whooping cough, typhoid fever, and pneumonia. It is know for its highly aphrodisiac virtues. It is pounded to a powder, like amber, and lightly sprinkled over food. Be careful because an excess causes dizziness.

Not very effective on women, it has the reputation of being the man's best friend. It's comes from Banda Island, Indonesia.

In infusion, it is a remarkable exciting agent.

Has stimulating properties on the erogenous zones. Studies have proven that it has similar effects like hormones. Nevertheless, pay attention and watch your consumption: excessive doses of saffron may cause uncontrollable laughter.

Nerve tonic with aphrodisiac effects. Moreover, it is a powerful cleanser for the body.

It has an aphorizing effect and can be used at will. It combats sexual asthenia, acts upon the central nervous system and, through its odor, indirectly acts upon sexual stimulation.

Tuesday, May 2

Alberto Vargas

i was introduced to Alberto Vargas' art work by a really nice co-worker. well now she is my retarded friend...and i say that with much love. i could get another partner in crime but this retard makes it fun. ha ha ha. anyhow i think he (alberto vargas) is really good. he painted and air brushed. details cant be noted by the little pictures that I post.....too bad all his subjects were women! lol. Their time was the WW2 era - the original American pinups. I think the paintings are just beautifully made. and the details are stunningjust as stunning are the extreme differences in poses that he choose...as you can see..... i guess if you have to paint for money then you got no choice in subject! (and playboy hired him plenty). i don't blame him. Enjoy.

oh yeah by the way I tried an aphrodisiac recipe. Cantaloupe, Chocolate, and Ylang Ylang. Didn't work this time. Sigh. He fell asleep instead. Of course he doesn't know what I am doing. I want to get a true reaction. I guess this will be our secret. ....Ylang Ylang oil is great though. Rub on your feet and you will feel a difference!!! You can find it in aromatherapy stuff.

Sunday, April 30


found a neat website as i looked for aphrodisiac recipes. i collect aphrodisiac recipes, and searching for a good one is kinda of a hobby. the website had an originial idea (not many recipes)...at least one that i have not heard of before. blind fold your love. prepare a meal meanwhile your love is blindfolded. strip as you go along. let your love touch the body part exposed with each step. also during the process, excite the senses by describing what you are doing and cooking. let your love taste, smell, and feel the food you are preparing with each step and strip. sounds fun... if you have got an original love game, then please share. ohh yeah and please share any of your aphrodisiac recipes. not interested in food one can use for foreplay. i am interested in an actual recipe, dish, that you think provokes excitement within one's body.

Deciando el Paz

today I had a long day of nothing
sweet nothings bother my conscience
but they won't invoke action
because sometimes silence speaks volumes

found a poem that spoke to me
found it in another blog, Cartas Orientales

En Paz

Muy cerca de mi ocaso, yo te bendigo, vida,
porque nunca me diste ni esperanza fallida,
ni trabajos injustos, ni pena inmerecida;
porque veo al final de mi rudo camino
que yo fui el arquitecto de mi propio destino;
que si extraje la miel o la hiel de las cosas,
fue porque en ellas puse hiel o mieles sabrosas:
cuando plante rosales, coseche siempre rosas

....Cierto, a mis lozanias va a seguir el invierno:
¡mas te no me dijiste que mayo fuese eterno!

Halle sin duda largas noches de mis penas;
mas no me prometiste tu solo noches buenas;
y en cambio tuve algunas santamente serenas...

Ame, fui amado, el sol acaricio mi faz.
¡Vida, nada me debes! ¡Vida, estamos en paz!


Tuesday, April 25

I Carry Your Heart

I carry your heart with me
I carry it in my heart
I am never without it
Anywhere I go you go my dear and
Whatever is done by only me is your doing my darling
I fear no fate
For you are my fate my sweet
I want no world for beautiful
You are my world my truth
Here is the deepest secret no one knows
Here is the root of the root
The bud of the bud and
The sky of the sky in the tree of life
Which grows higher than the soul can hope or
The mind can hide
It's the wonder thats keeping the starts apart
I carry your heart with me
I carry it in my heart

E.E. Cummings

Sunday, April 23

birth of my blog

am resting today
a new day awaits
meanwhile whats in your world today

About Me

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Arizona, United States
Love living